Gyan vigyan sangam
" पुरातन युग में ज्ञान-विज्ञान का संगम "

Modern Invention: Chess
Evolution: Over centuries, formalized rules in the 15th Century
Chess, a strategic board game, has a rich history that spans over centuries. Roots date to 5000 years back in the INDUS VALLEY CIVILIZATION. The formalization of its rules occurred in the 15th century, giving rise to the version of chess widely played today.
Location: Worldwide

Modern Invention - Chess
Period: 5000 years ago
Chaturang, the precursor to modern chess, originated in Ancient India. It is believed to have been played during the Gupt Empire (4th to 6th centuries) and is even mentioned in texts like the Mahabharat, indicating its ancient roots.
Location: Various regions in Bharatvarsh
Chaturang was popular in various regions of Ancient India, showcasing its widespread influence and acceptance among different communities.
References to Chaturang can be found in various Ancient Indian texts, such as the Mahabharat, providing insights into the early development and cultural significance of the game.
Source: Various Ancient Science texts, including the Mahabharat
EVIDENCE: The ancient Indian game of Chaturang is considered to be the precursor to the modern game of chess. Chaturang is mentioned in several ancient Indian texts, and one of the earliest references can be found in the Indian epic, the Mahabharat.
Literature: Mahabharat
Verse Address: Book 1, Adi Parva, Section 67,
चतुरङ्गभृतां राजा युद्धे सुविजितेन्द्रियः।
दृष्ट्वा तु पाण्डवानीकं व्यूढं दुर्योधनास्तदा।"
Meaning: "The king who leads the army of four divisions, and who is victorious in battle with controlled senses; on seeing the Pandav army arrayed in a military formation, Duryodhan thus spoke."
The verse "चतुरङ्गभृतां राजा युद्धे सुविजितेन्द्रियः।" is related to the game of Chaturang, which is an ancient precursor to the modern game of chess. The term "चतुरङ्ग" (Chaturang) literally means "having four limbs" and refers to the four divisions of the military: infantry, cavalry, elephants, and chariots. These divisions later evolved into the modern chess pieces: pawns, knights, bishops, and rooks.
The verse can be translated as "The king of those who possess the four divisions [of the army] is victorious in battle, having conquered the enemy's forces."
While the specific rules of Chaturang are not fully preserved, its existence in ancient texts like the Mahabharat indicates that the game was known and appreciated in ancient India. The modern game of chess gradually evolved from Chaturang over the centuries.
Ancient Science Connection: The Ancient Indian game of Chaturang is considered an ancestor of Modern Science chess, with similarities in piece movements and strategy.
Chaturang, with its infantry, cavalry, elephants, and chariots, reflects an early version of the chess pieces we recognize today. The strategic principles and gameplay of Chaturang laid the foundation for the development of modern chess. Chaturang was first described in the Hindu text Bhavishya Puran. The Bhavishya Puran is known to include modern additions and interpolations, however, even mentioning British rule of India.
Charurang may also have much older roots, dating back 5000 years. Archeological remains from 2000 to 3000 BC have been found in the city of Lothal (of the Indus Valley civilization) with pieces on a board that resemble chess.

Conclusion: Chess, with its formalized rules in the 15th century, has become a globally cherished game. Its ancient precursor, Chaturang, originated in Ancient India, providing valuable insights into the early origins of chess.

Game of Chess in Ancient India
Game of Chess