Gyan vigyan sangam
" पुरातन युग में ज्ञान-विज्ञान का संगम "

Modern Science: Advanced Metal Alloys
Contributor: Robert Abbott Hadfield(Father of metal alloys)1858-1940
Description: He was an English metallurgist, noted for his discovery of manganese steel, one of the first steel alloys. He also invented silicon steel.
Ongoing advancements in modern science, have led to the development of advanced metal alloys with diverse applications in industry, technology, and medicine. These alloys are engineered for specific properties, such as strength, durability, and conductivity.
Ancient science: Ayurvedic Rasashastra
Contributor: Maharshi Nagarjun (Father of chemical sciences)
Time Period: Ancient India
Location: India
Source: Rasaratnakara by Nagarjuna (Father of Chemical Sciences)
Rasaratnakara Chapter 2, Verses 1–10:
“यथा कौस्तुभं सौक्ष्म्यात् राजतं लाघवात् करेत् "
MEANING: "Just as the Koustubha gem is produced by the subtlety of metals, similarly, metals can be transformed through various processes."
Modern Science Connection: Ayurvedic texts, particularly Rasashastra, describe the preparation of alloys with medicinal properties, showcasing early metallurgical knowledge.
Ayurvedic Rasashastra
Conclusion: Ongoing advancements in modern science have led to the development of advanced metal alloys with diverse applications. In ancient India, Ayurvedic texts, specifically Rasashastra, contain knowledge about the preparation of alloys. While the primary focus in Rasashastra is on medicinal properties, it reflects an early understanding of metallurgy, highlighting the historical roots of alloy development in ancient scientific traditions.
Maharshi Nagarjun

Robert Hadfield
Metal Alloys