Gyan vigyan sangam
" पुरातन युग में ज्ञान-विज्ञान का संगम "

Inventor: Aryabhatt (Father of Astronomy)
Time Period: 499 CE
Siddhantas, represented by works like Aryabhatiya, originated in Ancient India, with Aryabhatiya dating back to 499 CE.
Location: Bharatvarsh
The Siddhantas were developed and studied in Ancient India, reflecting the intellectual traditions of the region.
Source: Aryabhatiya, Golapada
Aryabhatiya, specifically Golapada, serves as a source detailing aspects related to Earth's rotation within the Siddhantas.
Aryabhatiya, Golpaad, Verse:
"पृथिव्यामधस्ताद्वृत्तः स्वयं ध्रुवमिवाचलः।
यः स्वयं सूर्यमन्विष्टं तं ज्ञात्वा सचरं स्थितम्।"
Meaning: Like the fixed pole star beneath, the Earth rotates by itself. Knowing that it moves with the Sun, consider it (the Earth) as stationary.
In this verse from Aryabhatiya, Aryabhatt describes the Earth's motion. He compares the Earth's rotation to the fixed Pole Star, stating that the Earth rotates by itself like a stationary Pole Star. Despite the Earth's rotation, Aryabhatt suggests considering it as stationary when recognizing its synchronized movement with the Sun in its orbit. This verse reflects Aryabhatt's heliocentric model, where the Earth's rotation is acknowledged in the context of its orbit around the Sun.
This proves to be the evidence that the ancient Indian knew that the spherical earth rotates on its axis and also revolves around the sun.
Modern Science Connection: Siddhantas, exemplified by Aryabhatiya, contributed to Ancient Science and Modern Science astronomy, including the understanding of Earth's rotation.
The Siddhantas, particularly Aryabhatiya, provide insights into the understanding of Earth's rotation, showcasing Ancient Indian contributions to early astronomical knowledge. This connection highlights the continuity of knowledge from ancient to modern times.
Modern Science: Earth's Rotation
Contributors: Nicholous Copernicus (1473-1543)
The scientific comprehension of Earth's rotation was provided by Nicholous Copernicus in his radical theory of the universe.
Location: Europe
The study of Earth's rotation is a global scientific endeavor, involving researchers from various geographic regions.

Nicholous Copernicus

Ancient Science: Siddhantas (e.g., Aryabhatiya)
Conclusion: The understanding of Earth's rotation in modern science is due to the contribution of ancient India. Theories such as the Aryabhatiya, formulated in ancient India, have played an important role in shaping astronomical understanding, including the Earth’s rotation, the speed of light, the distance to the planets and the Sun, etc.

Earth Also Revolves as The Pole Star (proved by aryabhatt)
Earth's Rotation