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Gyan vigyan sangam

" पुरातन युग में ज्ञान-विज्ञान का संगम "

Gyan Vigyan Sangam Logo
  • Contributors: ANTOINE LAVOISIER (Father Of Nutrition) : 1743-1794

  • Description: Antoine Lavoisier, the “Father of Nutrition and Chemistry” discovered the actual process by which food is metabolized. He also demonstrated where animal heat comes from.

  • In his equation, he describes the combination of food and oxygen in the body, and the resulting in giving off of heat and water.

  • Time Period: 1743-1794

  • Time Period: 6th century BCE

  • Location: Bharatvarsh 

  • Evidence:

Source: Charak Samhita,

Sutrasthana, Chapter 1, Verses 3–5

तस्याश्च यथोक्ताहारसमीपसमये रससमृद्धिशाली स्याद् योग्यो बृंहणादिकः ।

  • Meaning: These verses from Charak Samhita emphasize the importance of an appropriate increase in nutrients near the prescribed diet time. The use of terms like "rasasamṛddhishālī" (abundance of nutrients) and "yogyo bṛṃhaṇādikaḥ" (suitable for nourishment and the like) underscores the need for a well-balanced and nourishing diet.

यदा च योग्यो बृंहणादिकः स्यात् स एव कुर्याद् योग्यसेवनोद्देशादि योग्याहारशयनादिष्वेव रहेत्।

  • Meaning: This verse emphasizes the necessity of engaging in suitable practices when there is a need for nourishment. It advises following prescribed guidelines for appropriate food, sleep, and other activities to maintain a balanced and healthy lifestyle.

योग्येनाहारेण बहुलेन च सती समीपसमयेऽपि प्रवृद्धिः करणीया योग्यसेवनोद्देशादिषु।

  • Meaning: This verse suggests that even in abundance, there should be an increase in accordance with prescribed guidelines for appropriate use in diet, activities, and other aspects. The emphasis is on maintaining balance and adhering to suitable practices for overall well-being.

  • Modern Science Connection: Herbal medicine draws inspiration from Ayurvedic principles outlined in Charak Samhita, an Ancient Science Indian medical text.

  • Ancient Science: Maharishi Charak (Father of Nutrition and Medicine, Founder of Balanced Diet)

  • Conclusion: In these verses from Charak Samhita, Sutrasthana, Chapter 1, Verses 3–5, the focus is on the importance of the above prescribed guidelines for diet, nourishment, and lifestyle to ensure a balanced and healthy life. The verses provide practical insights into maintaining well-being through appropriate practices.

Acharya Charak Doing Treatment



Acharya Charak Doing Treatment
Charak Samhita

Charak Samhita

Ancient Wisdom for Fitness and Nutrition
From Ayurved to Artificial Intelligence: A Brief History of India’s Healthcare Evolution

From Ayurved to Artificial Intelligence: A Brief History of India’s Healthcare Evolution

Ancient Wisdom for Fitness and Nutrition

  • Modern Science: Medicine, Balanced Diet and Nutrition

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