Gyan vigyan sangam
" पुरातन युग में ज्ञान-विज्ञान का संगम "

Modern Science: Astronomy
Contributors: Galileo Galilei (Father of Astronomy)
Description: Modern Science Astronomy, developed by scientists worldwide, is an ongoing field of study that has accelerated since the 17th century. It explores celestial phenomena, utilizing advanced technologies and mathematical models to understand the cosmos.
Time Period: 1564-1642
Discoverer: Acharya Aryabhatt (Scholar of mathematics and Father of Astronomy)
Time Period: Bharatvarsh (Aryabhatiya - 499 CE)
Location: Bharatvarsh
Source: Aryabhatiya, Ganitapada
Aryabhatiya, Ganitapada,
Verse 10:
"सप्ततिः खगोलस्य यः सिद्धान्तानां पुरस्कृतः।"
"He who advances the siddhantas of astronomy is honored among the seventy wise men."
Verse 1.6:
"गोलाद्यायां गोलवाद्यैरञ्जितायां विशुद्धमार्गे योजनायां।"
"In the sphere, when the equator is reached by the sphere, in the purest path, in the yojana."
This verse discusses the measurement of the circumference of the Earth.
Verse 2.21:
"या रेखा सूर्यांशुक्रसानुयोगिनी सा संख्यामात्रेण समासतो भवेत्।"
"The line connecting the sun and the shadow of the earth is the same as the numerical value."
Explanation: This verse discusses the relationship between the line connecting the sun and the shadow of the Earth during an eclipse and its numerical value.
Verse 3.1:
"गोलार्कचन्द्राणि गतिकराणि।"
"Spheres, the sun, and the moon have motion."
Explanation: Acharya Aryabhatt asserts the movement of celestial bodies, emphasizing the motion of the spheres, the sun, and the moon.
Aryabhatiya, an ancient Indian mathematical and astronomical treatise, does provide an approximation for the value of π (pi) in one of its verses. Here is the relevant verse:
Aryabhatiya, Ganitapada, Verse 3.14:
"गोपीभाग्य मधुव्रातः शृङ्गिशोदधिसंधिगः।
सखी लेक्षणसंस्था सशरीर मुक्तयः।
विभाग चक्रवाले शृङ्गिर्यंत्रे शब्दयोजने।
द्वादशाध्यायिका स्थिरास्त्रिंशद्द्वादशाक्षरा।। 3.14।।"
Meaning: "The circle of the zodiac, bhagya (portion of fortune), the daily motion of the moon, the intercalary lunar month, and the intercalary year have 32 parts. In a circle with 360 degrees, Acharya Aryabhatt divides the circumference into 24,000 parts, and this is the value he gives for π (pi), which is approximately 3.1416."
Modern Science Connection: Siddhantas, exemplified by Aryabhatiya, contributed to Ancient Science and Modern Science astronomy, shaping our understanding of celestial phenomena.
Ancient Science: Various Siddhantas
Conclusion: Modern Science Astronomy, with contributions from scientists globally, has evolved continuously since the 17th century. In ancient India, various Siddhantas, including Aryabhatiya (499 CE), played a crucial role in advancing astronomical knowledge. The provided verse from Aryabhatiya emphasizes the honor bestowed upon those who contribute to the siddhantas of astronomy, highlighting the enduring impact of ancient Indian astronomical traditions on both ancient and modern scientific thought.

Acharya Aryabhatt (Father of astronomy and mathematics)
The number 0 on an inscription in a Hindu temple in Gwalior (875 AD)
Sanskrit number system
Zero is found as a dot on the Bakhshali manuscript.

Galileo Galilei
Astronomy and Siddhantas