Gyan vigyan sangam
" पुरातन युग में ज्ञान-विज्ञान का संगम "

Inventor: Maharshi Kanaad (Father of Atomic Theory and Physics)
Time Period: Estimated to be around 6th century BCE
Location: Bharatvarsh
Description: Maharshi Kanaad, also known as Maharshi Kashyap, was an ancient Indian sage and scientist who proposed the theory of "Paramanu," (Atoms) which can be interpreted as the smallest particle or atom. He postulated that Paramanu possesses inherent characteristics and is influenced by forces, thereby hinting at the fundamental forces governing the universe.
Maharshi Kanaad discovered the gravitational force centuries ago the Sir Isaac Newton. He has also mentioned gravity as “Gurutvakarshan” in his texts.
Vaisheshik Sutra, Chapter 5:
" परमाणुरुपस्य शक्तिः कार्यकारण भवत्। "
Translation: "The force of the atoms (Paramanu) is the cause of the existence and functioning of objects."
Meaning: The verse implies that the inherent force of the atoms (Paramanu) is responsible for the existence and functioning of objects.
Vaisheshik Sutra, Chapter 5.1:
“गुरुत्वात् पतनम् नोदन-विशेषाभावात् न ऊर्ध्वम् न तिर्यग्-गमनम्।”
Explanation: A body will fall because of its inherent mass if there is no push or pull. Therefore, a heavy ball and feather fall simultaneously in a vacuum without taking off. there can be neither upward nor downward movement if there is neither external nor internal force at work.
Connection between Modern and Ancient Concept:
Maharshi Kanaad's concept of Paramanu, with its inherent forces, can be interpreted as an early understanding of the fundamental forces governing matter. Maharshi Kanaad's teachings hint at the idea of forces acting between particles. This concept of inherent forces influencing the behavior of particles aligns with the modern understanding of gravity as a fundamental force of attraction between objects with mass.
Conclusion: While Sir Isaac Newton is credited with formalizing the concept of gravity in the 17th century, in reality, centuries ago, Maharshi Kanaad who discovered the Gravitational force. The teachings of Maharshi Kanaad, states early insights into the fundamental forces governing the universe. Maharshi Kanaad's concept of Paramanu (Atom) and its inherent forces provide an intriguing connection to the modern understanding of gravity.
Moreover, from the knowledge in the texts by Maharshi Kanaad, we get to know that the 3 laws of motion were also a major contribution of Maharshi Kanaad centuries ago, showcasing the timeless pursuit of knowledge across civilizations.
Contributor: Sir Isaac Newton
Time Period: 17th Century
Location: England
Description: Gravity is the natural force of attraction between objects with mass. It is responsible for phenomena such as the falling of objects to the ground and the orbits of celestial bodies. Sir Isaac Newton formulated the law of universal gravitation, which describes how every particle of matter in the universe attracts every other particle with force proportional to the product of their masses and inversely proportional to the square of the distance between their centers.

Sir Isaac Newton

Ancient Science: Gurutvakarshan
Modern Science: Gravitational Force
Gravitation binds the moon and satellites to the earth

Ancient concepts related to physics and cosmic science, are mentioned in the chapters of Rigved.