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Gyan vigyan sangam

" पुरातन युग में ज्ञान-विज्ञान का संगम "

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  • Time Period: 1500–1200 BCE

  • Location: Bharatvarsh

  • Source: Rig Veda; Various Puranas


Rig Veda, Mandala 9, Hymn 97, Verse 1:

"उडुम्बरः सुपर्णो विश्वरूपो हिरण्यपक्षः"

MEANING: "The golden-winged, wide-ranging, and all-encompassing Uḍumbara (flying machine) with beautiful wings."

Maharshi Bharadwaj has described 3 categories of flying machines:

  • One that flies on Earth from one place to another.

  • One that travels from one planet to another planet.

  • One that travels from one universe to another.

His descriptions of the following procedures further demonstrate his excellence in aviation technology:

1.) Profound Secret: The method of using wind and sunshine to render a flying machine invisible.

2.) Living Secret: The method of using electrical force to turn an unseen space machine visible.

3.) The Art of Eavesdropping: How to listen in on a discussion taking place on another plane.

4.) Visual Secrets: The ability to look into other planes and observe their activities.

Verse from the book of Maharshi Bhardwaj:

 यान्यांशौ सप्त प्रकृतिर्बुद्धिपूर्वांस्तु कुरु पुमान्।

आकाशे सूर्यमन्त्रस्थं संज्ञानं कुरुते यदा॥

Meaning: In this verse, Maharshi Bhardwaj has said that the aircraft can be constructed with the help of intelligence, nature, and Surya Mantra. With this, a person can perceive the sky.

As the father of aviation technology, Acharya Bharadwaj is acknowledged for his inventive and creative innovations.

  • Modern Science Connection: Ancient science texts, including the Rigveda and various Puranas, document the concept of flight, containing early knowledge that continues to inspire modern science.

  • Inventor: Wright Brothers

  • Description: Aviation technology, pioneered by the Wright Brothers in the early 20th century, revolutionized transportation through the invention of the first successful powered, controlled, and sustained heavier-than-air flying machine.

  • Time Period: Early 20th century

  • Location: United States

Wright Brothers

Conclusion: The advent of aviation technology in the early 20th century, by the Wright Brothers, marked a significant milestone in modern human transportation. In ancient India, the concept of Aeroplanes is described in texts such as the Rigveda and various Puranas, suggesting practical ideas about the flying machines used in those days. Airplanes have not been invented since the 20th century but have been in existence since ancient times.

  • Modern Science: Aviation Technology

‘Shakuna Vimana’ might be defined as a cross between a modern plane and a rocket.

  • Ancient Science: Ancient Vimanas

Sculpture of the abduction of Sita by Ravana at Ellora Caves

Rukma Vimana
Vimana and the Temple Designs
Carvings on Ganesha Ratha in Comparison with modern rockets.
Ancient Indian flying vehicles
5000-year-Flying machine image found by American Soldiers in Afghan Cave
Vimana of Chenna Kesava Temple
Structure of Rukama, Tripura, Sundara, and Shakuna Vimana
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