Gyan vigyan sangam
" पुरातन युग में ज्ञान-विज्ञान का संगम "

Inventor: Maharshi Pippalad (Father of Embryology) and various other sages.
Time Period: Estimated to be around 1st millennium BCE
Location: Bharatvarsh
Source: Garbh Upanishad
Description: The Garbh Upanishad is a text within the Vedantic tradition of Hinduism that provides insights into various aspects of embryology and foetus development. It describes the stages of embryonic development, including the formation of different bodily structures and organs.
Garbh Upanishad, Verse 1
षड्वीकारस् त्रयोदशा मासाः तीर्यक् स्तनम् आयुः
समानोऽन्नम् असृजते यदनन्नात् प्राणः शरीरो भवति॥
Translation: "In thirteen months, the foetus attains full growth. It feeds on the food consumed by the mother. From the essence of food, the foetus derives the vital essence; the foetus becomes a living body."
Meaning: This verse from the Garbh Upanishad describes the duration of pregnancy as thirteen months and highlights the importance of nutrition for the developing embryo. It also suggests the transmission of vital essence from the mother's food to the foetus, contributing to its growth and vitality.
Garbh Upanishad, Verse 2:
"तत्र स्पर्शानुविद्धं शुक्रस्तम्भं जायते।
तत्रावध्या अवध्यं संस्था आवाक्सरं विद्धम्॥"
Translation: "There, by the touch, the semen stem grows. There, the invincible is the invincible. The vowel is split."
Meaning: This verse describes the initial stages of embryo development, mentioning the growth of the semen stem (sukrastambh) through touch and the establishment of the invincible (avadhya) within it. It also references the splitting of the vowel, likely symbolizing the differentiation of cellular structures during development.
The connection between Embryo Development and Garbh: The Garbh Upanishad offers insights into ancient Indian perspectives on embryology and foetus development. The text provides valuable observations and interpretations which are constantly inspiring modern biology. Its theories and knowledge have been studied worldwide till the date. Garbh Upanishad reflects the importance placed on pregnancy, maternal health, and the miraculous nature of life's creation in ancient Indian culture.
Contributor: Karl Ernst von Baer
Time Period: 1792 - 1876
Location: Europe
Karl Ernst von Baer
Description: Embryo development, also known as embryogenesis, is the process by which an embryo forms and develops. It involves a series of complex biological events, including fertilization, cell division, differentiation, and organogenesis, leading to the formation of a new organism. According to the modern science, Sir Karl Ernst discovered the embryo development.

Karl Ernst von Baer

Conclusion: The Garbh Upanishad serves as an ancient source of knowledge on embryology and pregnancy within the context of Hindu philosophical and spiritual teachings. The ancient science and embryology had advanced significantly through scientific research and technological advancements, with realized knowledge. The perspectives offered in ancient texts like the Garbh Upanishad contribute to our understanding of the historical development of embryological concepts and their cultural significance. They are useful and are contributing endlessly to the development of modern science.
Modern Science: Embryo Development

Ancient Science: Garbh Vikas
Stone carving showing embryo development at Sundara Kamakshi temple, Tamilnadu.
Modern and Ancient Sonography in India
A woman giving birth in upright position