Gyan vigyan sangam
" पुरातन युग में ज्ञान-विज्ञान का संगम "

Acharya Pingal: The Great Mathematician

Acharya Pingal was one of the leading masters of Indian mathematics and Chandshastra, text written by him, played a leading role in taking mathematical principles towards prosperity and development through his unique contributions.
Acharya Pingal's one of the main contributions is Chandshastra, which discusses the musical structure of poetry and mathematics. He established the principles of type, quantity, calculus, etc. in verses of the book 'Chandshastra'. Apart from this, Acharya Pingal has also talked about his special studies in number theory.
There are some verses in the book 'Chandshastra', which prove the generous knowledge of Acharya Pingal. One such verse is:
अर्ध इत्यनुवर्तते । विषमसङ्ख्यायामेकमधिकं निक्षिप्य ततोऽर्धयेत ।
तत्रैको गकारो लभ्यते । तं पूर्वलब्धाल्लकारात् परं स्थापयेत् ।
ततो द्विसंख्यावशिष्यते । पुनस्तामर्थ- येत, ततश्चैकलकारं दद्यात् ।
ततश्चैकसंख्यावशिष्यते । तत्र तावत् सैके गिति लक्षण- मावर्तनीयं यावद्धृत्ताक्षराणि षट् पूर्यन्ते ।
एवं सङ्ख्यान्तरेऽपि योज्यम्
"In the case of an odd number, one should add one more and then halve it. In doing so, one obtains 'guru' as the remainder. That 'guru' should be added after the previous result. Then, divide the result by two. Again, following the same process, add 'laghu' after the result. Then divide the result by two. This process should continue until the syllables are exhausted. In this manner, even for other numbers, the same process should be followed."
In Pingala's system:
"Laghu" represents the digit 1.
"Guru" represents the digit 0.
The influence of Acharya Pingal's texts and principles is visible even in today's era. His principles of Chandshastra have shown direction to new developments in poetry and Mathematics. Following his number theories, mathematical and equation methods were also developed in modern mathematics.
The contribution of Acharya Pingal teaches us at what heights our culture has reached in the field of mathematics and art, which inspires us even in the modern era.
Acharya Pingal had a great contribution in the field of mathematics. Through the book written by him, Chandashastra, he gave the world the knowledge of binary number system. “Meru Prastar” which is called Pascal's triangle according to today's mathematics, that too has been given by Acharya Pingal in his book. The number system famous in the world by the name of Fibonacci series, also gets its inspiration from the poetry of Acharya Pingal. Our heartfelt tribute to such a great mathematician and poet.