Gyan vigyan sangam
" पुरातन युग में ज्ञान-विज्ञान का संगम "

Acharya Charak: Great Theorist of Ayurved
Father of Medicine and Ayurved

A unique theorist and contributor of Ayurved, Acharya Charak is considered a renowned hero of Indian medical science. His contribution to Ayurvedic medicine is well known in the wonderful theories and lectures as well as in the discovery of various medical materials and medicines.
Acharya Charak shared his knowledge through 'Charak Samhita', which is still counted among the major texts of Ayurvedic medicine. His epic treatise contains the theory, method, and system of diagnosis, which greatly enriched the field of medicine.
Among the contributions of Acharya Charak, the principles presented by him include the 'Tridosh' theory, in which Vat, Pitt, and Kaph are fundamentally understood, which has shown the way to look at Ayurvedic medicine from a new perspective.
Some important verses that are mentioned in Charak Samhita:
शरीरे दोषाः कलुषन्ति मां यथा ते शक्नुयान्ति तं विजानीयात्।
Meaning: one should know that just as there are defects in the body, one is capable of correcting them.
यत्र न योगो भवति विद्या धनाध्ययनं तत्र श्रमः कुतो विरागः।
Meaning: "Where there is no practice of yoga and knowledge, where will the sense of effort come from?"
Acharya Charak not only contributed to the field of medicine, but he was also a great teacher who taught his teachings to his disciples. By remembering his teachings, we remember Acharya Charak as a great guru even today.
There are many examples to see the direct impact of Acharya Charak's knowledge in modern medical science.
1. Tridosha theory : Acharya Charak presented the Tridosh theory, in which Vat, Pitt, and Kaph are considered to be the basic elements. This theory dictates that disease originates from the imbalance of the Tridosh. Tridosh theory is also used in modern medicine for various diseases, which helps in the cause and treatment of the disease.
2. Ayurvedic medicines : Acharya Charak has discussed various medicines in Charak Samhita which are used in the treatment of diseases. Even in modern medical sciences, many ayurvedic medicines are being used appropriately, like Ashwagandha, Tulsi, Triphala, etc.
3. Yog : Acharya Charak considered yog, useful for health and soul and described it in detail in Charak Samhita. In modern medicine, yog has been accepted as a form of meditation and practice, which improves mental health.
With these elements, Acharya Charak's contribution has helped in improving modern medicine through his principles, medicines and has kept Ayurved an important source.
Acharya Charak's contribution to Ayurved and medicine remains a source of inspiration even today. He first taught the world about balanced diet and medical ethics, the knowledge of which is imparted to all doctors, even today during their training. The world can never forget Acharya Charak's contribution to Ayurved and medicines. He has given the treatment of many diseases and the procedures for making medicines. Our heartfelt tribute to such a great physician and scholar of Ayurved, Acharya Charak.